"Alphonse Muller reveals his obsession with football"

Interviewer: Alphonse, thank you for joining us today. Can you tell us a little bit about your love for football?
Alphonse Muller: Of course. I've been obsessed with football ever since I was a child. I remember spending hours every day practicing in my backyard, dreaming of one day becoming a professional player.
Interviewer: That's incredible dedication. How do you maintain that level of focus even now that you're a seasoned player?
Alphonse Muller: It's simple, really. Football is the only thing that matters to me. I don't have any distractions in my life. No friends, no hobbies. Just football. I'm constantly working on improving my skills, both on and off the field.
Interviewer: You're known for your exceptional skill as a midfielder. What's your secret?
Alphonse Muller: There's no secret, really. It's just a matter of practice and hard work. I'm always pushing myself to be better, to learn new techniques and strategies. And of course, I have a great team around me who supports me and pushes me to be my best.
Interviewer: You mentioned that you enjoy playing against COB. Why is that?
Alphonse Muller: COB is one of the most challenging teams we face. They have a really strong defense, which makes it even more satisfying when we're able to break through and score. Plus, the atmosphere during those matches is always electric. It's a great feeling to be a part of that.
Interviewer: Finally, can you share a random interesting fact about your life?
Alphonse Muller: Hmm, let me think. Well, when I was younger, before I became obsessed with football, I actually wanted to be a professional musician. I was really into playing the guitar and writing my own songs. But once I discovered football, that became my one true passion.
{"Alphonse Muller's Dedication to Football Pays Off for Copthorne S.A."}