Blue Devils Busan Defender Shakira Habib on Thriving as a Footballer

Blue Devils Busan Defender Shakira Habib on Thriving as a Footballer

Interviewer: Shakira, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. You've had an exceptional season so far with Blue Devils Busan. Can you tell us about your recent form and how you've managed to maintain such a high level of play?

Shakira Habib: Thank you for having me. Yes, it has been a great season for me personally. I've been putting in a lot of hard work on and off the pitch. I believe that my exceptional skills combined with my experience have helped me stay consistent and perform at my best. It's all about dedication and discipline.

Interviewer: We've heard that you prioritize team chemistry and culture when choosing a club. Could you expand on why this is important to you?

Shakira Habib: Absolutely. I firmly believe that a strong team chemistry and a positive club culture are crucial for success. When players are united and share a common goal, it becomes easier to overcome challenges and achieve greatness. I like to be part of a club that invests in building these foundations, as it creates an environment where everyone can thrive.

Interviewer: You mentioned that your practice ethics are extremely demanding. Can you give us an insight into your daily routine and what motivates you to work so hard?

Shakira Habib: My daily routine revolves around football. I wake up early and start my day with physical training, followed by technical drills and tactical analysis. I believe in leaving no stone unturned and pushing myself to the limit. Football is my passion, and my goal is to be the best. Sacrificing everything else, like friends and fun, has become necessary for me to reach my full potential.

Interviewer: As you've progressed in your career, have you made any adjustments to your lifestyle to ensure longevity in the game?

Shakira Habib: Absolutely. As a young player, I wasn't the most health-conscious on the pitch. However, with age and experience, I've come to realize the importance of taking care of my body. I've adopted healthier habits, focusing on nutrition and fitness. I've cut down on fast food and embraced a more keto-based diet. It has made a significant difference in my performance and overall well-being.

Interviewer: You've mentioned that you enjoy playing against LUC. Can you tell us why that particular club stands out for you?

Shakira Habib: LUC has always been a tough opponent, which makes the matches against them highly competitive and thrilling. It's always a challenge to face their skilled players and well-organized team. These encounters bring out the best in me and provide an opportunity to test my abilities against top-level opposition.

Interviewer: Lastly, tell us about your favorite formation and play style. How do they contribute to your success on the field?

Shakira Habib: My favorite formation is 4-5-1 because it provides a solid defensive structure while allowing the midfield to control the game. I enjoy playing in a neutral play style, adapting to the situation on the field and making the most of the opportunities that arise. This versatility allows me to contribute both defensively and offensively, which has been key to my success this season.

Random interesting fact: Apart from football, I am an accomplished painter and have even held a few art exhibitions.

{Blue Devils Busan Defender Shakira Habib on Thriving as a Footballer}