Blue Devils Midfielder Kariyah Pyo: A Force to be Reckoned with on the Pitch

Blue Devils Midfielder Kariyah Pyo: A Force to be Reckoned with on the Pitch

Reporter: Good afternoon, Kariyah Pyo! It's a pleasure to have the opportunity to interview you today. Let's start by discussing your recent exceptional form on the pitch. How do you manage to perform so well despite being known for your weaker skills?

Kariyah Pyo: Thank you for having me! It's true that my skills may not be my strongest suit, but I believe that my experience and knowledge of the game compensate for that. I've been playing football for a long time, and I've learned to adapt my playstyle accordingly. I focus on making intelligent decisions on the field and utilizing my teammates to the best of my abilities.

Reporter: Speaking of teammates, you mentioned earlier that you value team chemistry and culture in a club. Can you elaborate on what qualities you look for in a club?

Kariyah Pyo: Absolutely. For me, a club that invests in team chemistry and culture is crucial. I believe that a strong bond between players off the pitch translates into better performance on it. When everyone understands each other's strengths and weaknesses, it's easier to work as a cohesive unit. This creates a positive environment where we can push each other to improve and achieve greater success.

Reporter: It's clear that you're dedicated to your career. Can you tell us about your practice ethics and how you balance your commitment to the game with personal enjoyment?

Kariyah Pyo: I take my career very seriously, both on and off the pitch. I invest a significant amount of time into training, analyzing matches, and improving my skills. My work ethic is something that my coach appreciates, and it has helped me excel in my role as a midfielder. However, I also understand the importance of relaxation and having fun. In my downtime, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, exploring new hobbies, and occasionally letting loose. It's all about finding the right balance.

Reporter: As you've aged, have you noticed any changes in your health habits to prolong your career?

Kariyah Pyo: Definitely. In my younger days, I wasn't the most health-conscious player, but as I've gotten older, I've realized the significance of taking care of my body. I've gradually adopted healthier habits, focusing on a balanced diet and incorporating more exercise and recovery methods into my routine. I've even switched to a keto diet to improve my overall fitness. It's a continuous process, but I believe it's necessary to ensure longevity in this sport.

Reporter: Fascinating! Now, let's talk about your favorite club to play against. You mentioned FLC. What makes playing against them so special for you?

Kariyah Pyo: FLC has always been a formidable opponent, and I thrive in challenging situations. They consistently bring out the best in me, and I enjoy the intensity and competitiveness of our matches. It's the perfect opportunity for me to showcase my defensive skills and contribute to the team's overall strategy.

Reporter: Lastly, let's wrap up with a fun fact about your life. Can you share an interesting detail that fans may not know about you?

Kariyah Pyo: Well, something that not many people know about me is that I'm an avid fan of chess. I find the strategic nature of the game fascinating, and it helps me enhance my decision-making abilities on the football pitch. In my free time, you'll often find me playing chess and honing my skills.

Reporter: That's truly intriguing, Kariyah Pyo! Thank you for your time and for sharing your insights with us. We wish you continued success with the Blue Devils Busan.

Kariyah Pyo: Thank you! It was my pleasure.