Breaking News: Novan Arista's Future at Sarabi SC Hangs in the Balance

[Interviewer]: Good afternoon, Novan. Thank you for joining us today. Let's start off with the big news that has been circulating recently - the fact that you are on Sarabi SC's transfer list. Can you shed some light on the situation and your thoughts on it?

[Novan Arista]: Hello, thank you for having me. Yes, it is true that I am on the transfer list at Sarabi SC. It came as a surprise to me, but I understand that it is part of the game. As a mature player, I have learned to be adaptable and embrace new challenges. I am open to exploring opportunities with other clubs, but my focus remains on giving my best for Sarabi until a decision is made.

[Interviewer]: You mentioned being a mature player. How has your experience shaped your perspective on football and your aspirations as a footballer?

[Novan Arista]: Age has provided me with a deeper understanding of the game and a heightened sense of responsibility. I have come to realize that success is not just about individual achievements but also about cultivating team chemistry and culture. I appreciate clubs that invest in these aspects, as it creates a strong foundation for success both on and off the pitch.

[Interviewer]: Your recent form has been exceptional. Can you share any insights into your practice ethics and what drives you to constantly improve?

[Novan Arista]: Thank you for the compliment. I believe that exceptional results can only be achieved through exceptional efforts. I am a firm believer in sacrificing everything else for the sake of my football career. I dedicate myself entirely to the sport, working tirelessly to become the best version of myself. No friends, no fun. Just work, day in and day out, to thrive as a footballer.

[Interviewer]: As a midfielder, do you have any favorite clubs to play against? And what is your preferred formation and play style?

[Novan Arista]: One club that always brings out the best in me is CCC. Their competitive spirit and style of play challenge me to constantly raise my game. As for formation, I thrive in a 4-5-1 setup, where I can contribute both defensively and offensively. In terms of play style, I prefer a neutral approach, adapting to what the game demands and making the most of the opportunities that arise.

[Interviewer]: On a different note, we heard that you have been adopting healthier habits as you progress in your career. Can you tell us more about that?

[Novan Arista]: Yes, as a young player, I must admit that I was not the most health-conscious on the pitch. However, with age and experience, I have come to understand the importance of taking care of my body to prolong my career. I have been gradually incorporating healthier habits into my lifestyle, focusing on a more balanced nutrition plan, reducing fast food intake, and experimenting with the keto diet.

[Interviewer]: Lastly, to add a touch of intrigue, could you share an interesting fact about your life outside of football?

[Novan Arista]: Certainly! One random fact about my life is that I am an accomplished pianist. Playing the piano is something I enjoy during my downtime, providing a different kind of harmony and escape from the intense world of football.

{Breaking News: Novan Arista's Future at Sarabi SC Hangs in the Balance}