Chip Frey: The Rising Star of Copthorne S.A.

Chip Frey: The Rising Star of Copthorne S.A.

Reporter: Chip, congratulations on your exceptional recent form despite not having played any matches this season. How do you explain your success on the field?

Chip Frey: Thank you! I think it's all about staying focused and determined. Even though I haven't had the chance to play in any matches yet, I've been putting in the work during practice and making sure I'm ready when my time comes.

Reporter: Your practice ethics have been described as decent, not the hardest worker but also not the worst. How do you balance having fun with meeting the expectations of the club?

Chip Frey: I believe in working hard but also enjoying myself. I never turn down an opportunity to have fun, as long as I can still perform on the field. It's all about finding the right balance.

Reporter: You've been known to push through injuries and concussions to keep playing. How do you manage to stay healthy despite these risks?

Chip Frey: I guess I've always been a bit reckless when it comes to my health. I've partied all night before a cup final and played through injuries, but I just love the game so much that I can't stay away from it. I know it's not the best way to take care of my body, but I'm willing to take that risk.

Reporter: What can you tell us about your favorite club to play against, HOS?

Chip Frey: HOS has always been a tough opponent for us, but I love the challenge they bring. It's always a great game when we face off against them.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

Chip Frey: Well, one thing that not many people know about me is that I'm actually an avid stamp collector. I find it to be a relaxing hobby that helps me take my mind off of the pressures of being a professional football player.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Chip. We look forward to seeing you in action on the field soon.

Chip Frey: Thank you, I can't wait to show everyone what I'm capable of.