Defensive Dynamo Aprilia Sisca Takes Pride in Perfect Start to the Season

Defensive Dynamo Aprilia Sisca Takes Pride in Perfect Start to the Season

Interviewer: Aprilia Sisca, congratulations on your exceptional start to the season with the Blue Devils Busan. How does it feel to have not conceded any goals so far?

Aprilia Sisca: Thank you, it's great to be part of a team that is strong defensively. As a defender, my main goal is to prevent the opposition from scoring, so it's definitely satisfying to have a clean sheet record at this stage of the season.

Interviewer: Your recent form has been exceptional, despite not yet featuring in any matches this season. How do you maintain such impressive performance levels?

Aprilia Sisca: I have an unwavering dedication to my craft. I believe in putting in the work every single day, both on and off the field. I take my practice ethics very seriously, striving to improve in every aspect of my game. Sacrifices have to be made, and I am willing to give up friends and fun to focus solely on my football career.

Interviewer: It's clear that you prioritize your career above everything else. How do you manage to maintain such a high level of healthiness?

Aprilia Sisca: I view my body as my most valuable asset. I take utmost care of it by following a strict diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding any activities that could potentially harm my performance. Sometimes, it means turning down late-night social gatherings or pushing away new athletic challenges. But in the end, it's all worth it to have a long and successful career.

Interviewer: Which club in general do you enjoy playing against the most?

Aprilia Sisca: I have always enjoyed facing SYC. They have a unique play style that puts my defending skills to the test. It's always a challenge, and I thrive in such competitive situations.

Interviewer: Speaking of play styles, what is your favorite formation and play style?

Aprilia Sisca: My favorite formation is definitely the 4-3-3, as it allows for a strong defensive line while also providing opportunities for attacking play. And as a defender, I naturally enjoy the defensive aspect of the game, prioritizing the art of defending and maintaining a solid backline.

Interviewer: Lastly, could you share an interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Aprilia Sisca: Well, despite my intense focus on football, I am also a talented painter. In my spare time, I like to express my creativity through art. It's a way for me to find balance and tap into a different side of myself.

{Defensive Dynamo Aprilia Sisca Takes Pride in Perfect Start to the Season}