Emrah Celik: The Rising Star in Defense

Emrah Celik: The Rising Star in Defense

Interviewer: Emrah, congratulations on your exceptional recent form. How does it feel to be making such an impact at Lagos Sunshine FC?

Emrah Celik: Thank you. It feels amazing. I've been working hard to develop my skills, and it's great to see the results paying off on the field.

Interviewer: You mentioned that you like clubs who have a strong desire to win. How does Lagos Sunshine FC fit into that criteria?

Emrah Celik: Lagos Sunshine FC is a club that has a strong winning mentality. The whole team is focused on giving their best and achieving success. It's great to be a part of such a competitive environment.

Interviewer: As a defender, what do you enjoy the most about the game?

Emrah Celik: I absolutely love defending. I find it thrilling to outsmart and outmaneuver opponents. It's a challenge that I embrace and take pride in. Keeping a clean sheet is always my top priority.

Interviewer: Your recent form has been exceptional, but you haven't played any matches this season. Can you tell us more about that?

Emrah Celik: Yes, it's true that I haven't had the chance to showcase my skills in official matches yet. However, I've been consistently performing well in training and pushing myself to be better every day. I'm confident that my opportunity will come soon.

Interviewer: Some people have described you as a player who lacks practice ethics. What do you have to say about that?

Emrah Celik: I understand why some might have that perception. Football is important to me, but I also believe in having a balanced life. Spending time with my family and having fun outside of football is crucial. I may not put in extra work like some players, but I still manage to perform and make it work.

Interviewer: It's great to hear that you value your personal life as well. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle to prolong your career?

Emrah Celik: Initially, I wasn't the most health-conscious player, but with age and experience, I've realized the importance of taking care of my body. I've started adopting healthier habits, such as following a keto diet and cutting down on fast food. It's a gradual process, but I'm committed to making the necessary changes.

Interviewer: Is there a particular club that you enjoy playing against the most?

Emrah Celik: Definitely GRR. They have a strong attacking lineup, and it's always a challenge to defend against them. Playing against tough opponents like GRR brings out the best in me, and I enjoy the intensity of those matches.

Interviewer: Lastly, tell us something interesting about your life that fans might not know about.

Emrah Celik: Well, apart from football, I have a wide range of interests. I love painting and playing the guitar in my spare time. It helps me relax and express myself creatively. So, while some might label me lazy, I believe having diverse interests contributes to my overall well-being and performance on the pitch.

Interviewer: That's wonderful to hear, Emrah. Thank you for your time, and we wish you continued success both on and off the field.

Emrah Celik: Thank you. It was a pleasure.