Exceptional Defender Lian Ng Talks Sacrifices and Thriving as a Footballer

Interviewer: Good evening, Lian Ng! It's an honor to have you here today. As an exceptional defender, you have certainly made a name for yourself in the world of football. Can you tell us a little about your journey and what drives you to succeed?

Lian Ng: Thank you for having me. My journey has been one of sacrifice and dedication. From a young age, all I ever wanted was to thrive as a footballer. I've made the conscious decision to prioritize my career above everything else in life. No friends, no fun. Just work all day, every day. My goal is to constantly improve and become the best player I can be.

Interviewer: That level of commitment is truly remarkable, Lian. How do you maintain such a high level of practice ethic?

Lian Ng: It's simple, really. I treat my body like it's my most important asset. I prioritize my health by turning down fun late nights or new athletic challenges that could potentially jeopardize my career. I believe that a long, healthy career is far more important than short-term pleasures. So, I dedicate myself to training and taking care of my body.

Interviewer: That's quite commendable. Now, let's talk about your favorite club to play against. Who would that be?

Lian Ng: My favorite club to play against is GAU. They always put on a good show for the fans. I enjoy the challenge they bring to the game, and the atmosphere during those matches is truly electrifying. It pushes me to perform at my best.

Interviewer: Interesting choice! And speaking of formations, what is your favorite formation to play in?

Lian Ng: I prefer the 4-3-3 formation. It allows for a balanced and dynamic gameplay, both defensively and offensively. It gives me the freedom to contribute to the team's attack while still maintaining a solid defensive line.

Interviewer: That's a classic formation indeed. Now, let's talk about your play style. How would you describe it?

Lian Ng: I would say my play style is neutral. I adapt to the situation on the field and adjust my gameplay accordingly. Whether it's intercepting passes, making crucial tackles, or providing support in the attack, I aim to bring stability and effectiveness to the team.

Interviewer: Your versatility on the field is impressive, Lian. Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life?

Lian Ng: Well, despite my intense dedication to football, I have a secret passion for playing the piano. Whenever I find a spare moment, I try to relax and unwind by playing some beautiful melodies. It's my way of finding balance amidst the hectic football lifestyle.

Interviewer: That's a delightful surprise! Thank you so much for sharing that with us, Lian. We wish you continued success in your football career and hope to see you thrive on and off the field.

Lian Ng: Thank you for having me. I'll continue giving my all to the sport I love.