"Exclusive Interview with Berlin Mayhem Forward Mehiti Palu"

"Exclusive Interview with Berlin Mayhem Forward Mehiti Palu"

Reporter: Good afternoon Mehiti, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's start off with your recent form, how do you feel you've been performing this season?

Mehiti Palu: Thank you for having me. I believe I have been playing decently this season. I always strive to improve and contribute to the team's success.

Reporter: Your practice ethics are well-known in the football world. Can you tell us more about your dedication to the game?

Mehiti Palu: Football is my life. I am willing to do whatever it takes to become the best player I can be. I am constantly working on my skills and fitness to ensure a long and successful career.

Reporter: It's clear that you prioritize your health and career above all else. Do you ever feel like you're missing out on anything by focusing solely on football?

Mehiti Palu: Not at all. I have made the conscious decision to dedicate myself entirely to football. I have no regrets and I am content with my choices.

Reporter: What are your thoughts on your favorite club to play against, GYM?

Mehiti Palu: GYM is always a tough opponent, but I enjoy the challenge. It pushes me to perform at my best and helps me grow as a player.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share an interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Mehiti Palu: Well, despite my intense focus on the game, I do have a soft spot for animals. I volunteer at a local shelter in my free time and it brings me joy to help those in need.

Reporter: That's wonderful to hear. Thank you for sharing that with us, Mehiti. Best of luck for the rest of the season!

Mehiti Palu: Thank you, I appreciate it.