Exclusive Interview with Berlin Mayhem's Forward, Chinita Su

Exclusive Interview with Berlin Mayhem's Forward, Chinita Su

Reporter: Chinita, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's start off by talking about your recent form on the field. You've been playing exceptionally well, scoring two goals in just three matches. What do you attribute your success to?

Chinita Su: Thank you for having me. I think my experience and maturity have played a big role in my recent performance. I may not be the most hardworking player in terms of practice, but I know how to make the most of my skills during the game.

Reporter: It's clear that your skill and talent are undeniable. How do you maintain your health and balance in your life while still enjoying the game of football?

Chinita Su: I believe in living a balanced life. I take care of my health by maintaining healthy habits, but I also make sure to have fun and spend time with my family. It's all about finding that equilibrium for me.

Reporter: What is your favorite aspect of playing football? Is there a specific club that you enjoy playing against the most?

Chinita Su: I love the defensive aspect of the game. I take pride in my ability to defend and disrupt the opponent's attacks. As for my favorite club to play against, I would have to say OIL. They always bring out the best in me.

Reporter: With Berlin Mayhem currently ranking 9th out of 10 teams, what are your goals for the rest of the season?

Chinita Su: Our team is going through a tough time, but I believe we have the potential to turn things around. My goal is to continue scoring goals and helping my team climb up the rankings. We still have a lot of games left to play, and I'm confident we can make a comeback.

Interesting fact: Despite being known for their defensive play style on the field, Chinita Su is actually an avid painter and spends their free time creating beautiful works of art.