Exclusive Interview with Blue Devils Busan Defender Joon Shin

Exclusive Interview with Blue Devils Busan Defender Joon Shin

Interviewer: Thank you for sitting down with us, Joon. Let's start with your recent form, which has been exceptional. How have you maintained such a high level of performance at the age of 37?

Joon Shin: Thank you. I believe my practice ethics play a huge role in my consistency on the field. I am always striving to improve and will do whatever it takes to thrive as a footballer. It's my sole focus in life.

Interviewer: That dedication is truly impressive. You mentioned that you enjoy playing against MAR the most. What is it about that match-up that excites you?

Joon Shin: MAR has always been a tough opponent for us, and I thrive in those challenging situations. It pushes me to be at my best and I love the competition.

Interviewer: Your favorite formation is 4-2-3-1 and you excel in defending. How do you feel this style of play suits your strengths as a defender?

Joon Shin: I believe that a strong defensive foundation is crucial for a successful team. I take pride in my ability to read the game, anticipate plays, and make crucial tackles to protect my goal.

Interviewer: Your current team, Blue Devils Busan, is ranked 9th out of 10 teams. What do you think needs to improve in order for the team to climb up the standings?

Joon Shin: We need to tighten up our defense and work on our communication on the field. We have the talent, but we need to work together as a cohesive unit to start getting results.

Interviewer: Finally, can you share a random interesting fact about your life off the pitch?

Joon Shin: Despite my intense dedication to football, I do have a soft spot for animals. I volunteer at a local animal shelter whenever I can and it brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment outside of the game.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing that, Joon. We wish you and Blue Devils Busan the best of luck for the rest of the season.