Exclusive Interview with Blue Devils Busan Midfielder Alika Island

Exclusive Interview with Blue Devils Busan Midfielder Alika Island

Interviewer: Alika, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Let's start with your recent form, which has been exceptional. How do you maintain such a high level of performance on the pitch?

Alika: Thank you for having me. I believe that my practice ethics play a huge role in my performance. I am constantly working on my skills and trying to improve every day. It's all about dedication and hard work.

Interviewer: You mentioned your dedication to the game, can you tell us a bit more about your favorite club to play against?

Alika: Definitely BDB. The rivalry between us and them always brings out the best in me. It's always a tough and exciting match.

Interviewer: Speaking of matches, you have only played one so far this season. Can you explain why that is?

Alika: Unfortunately, I had a minor injury that kept me out of the lineup for a few games. But I am back now and ready to contribute to the team.

Interviewer: It's great to hear that you are back on the field. Can you share with us your favorite formation and play style?

Alika: I enjoy playing in a 4-4-1-1 formation, with an attacking play style. I like to create opportunities for my teammates and help in the offensive plays.

Interviewer: Lastly, do you have any goals or aspirations for the rest of the season?

Alika: My main goal is to help the team maintain our current ranking and hopefully win the league. I want to contribute as much as I can and be a key player for Blue Devils Busan.

Interesting fact: Despite his intense dedication to football, Alika Island is also an avid painter in his free time, finding solace and relaxation in creating vibrant works of art.