Exclusive Interview with Copthorne S.A. Defender Kami Yu

Exclusive Interview with Copthorne S.A. Defender Kami Yu

Interviewer: Thank you for sitting down with us today, Kami. Let's start with your current club, Copthorne S.A. What do you like the most about playing for them?

Kami Yu: Well, I appreciate that they pay their players well. That's always been important to me.

Interviewer: Your practice ethics have been described as extremely intense. Can you tell us more about your dedication to the game?

Kami Yu: Football is my life. I will do whatever it takes to get better, even if it means sacrificing everything else. No friends, no fun, just work. That's my mantra.

Interviewer: You've had a long and successful career in football. How do you maintain your performance on the field, especially considering your age of 40?

Kami Yu: I've done it all. I've partied before cup finals, played through injuries and concussions. My body may not be a temple, but it's gotten me this far.

Interviewer: What is your favorite club to play against?

Kami Yu: Definitely RAI. The competition is always fierce, and it brings out the best in me.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life off the field?

Kami Yu: I have a secret talent for playing the piano. It's my way of unwinding after a tough match.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Kami. Best of luck with the rest of the season at Copthorne S.A.