Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Defender Shi Shi

Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Defender Shi Shi

Reporter: Shi Shi, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Let's start with your preference for clubs who want to win at all costs. Can you elaborate on why that is important to you?

Shi Shi: Winning is everything to me. I give my all on the field and I expect the same from my teammates and the club. I want to be part of a team that is determined to succeed, no matter what it takes.

Reporter: Your practice ethics are quite intense. Can you tell us more about your dedication to the game?

Shi Shi: Football is my life. I eat, sleep, and breathe the sport. I am willing to do whatever it takes to improve and be the best player I can be. That means sacrificing everything else in my life for the game.

Reporter: It's clear that you are fully committed to football. What is your favorite memory on the field so far?

Shi Shi: My favorite club to play against is INT. They always bring out the best in me and I enjoy the challenge they present. As for my favorite formation, I prefer the 3-5-2 and my play style is neutral. I like to adapt to the situation and play whatever role is needed for the team.

Reporter: One last question, Shi Shi. Can you share a random interesting fact about your life with our readers?

Shi Shi: Well, despite my intense dedication to football, I actually have a fear of flying. It's ironic, considering how much I travel for games, but it's something I have to deal with. It's just another challenge I have to overcome in pursuit of my goals on the field.