Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Midfielder Feliciano Soriano

Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Midfielder Feliciano Soriano

Reporter: Feliciano, thank you for taking the time to sit down with us today. Let's start off by talking about your current club, Cordoba Gauchos. What do you think sets them apart from other clubs?

Feliciano: Well, I really appreciate how much Cordoba Gauchos invest in player development. It's important to me to be at a club that values growth and improvement.

Reporter: You've had a long and successful career in football. How do you maintain your exceptional skill at the age of 38?

Feliciano: I try to treat my body like my most important asset. I may not always put in the extra work, but I make sure to take care of myself so I can have a long and healthy career.

Reporter: Speaking of your career, what has been your favorite club to play against so far?

Feliciano: Definitely HOS. They always bring out the best in me and it's always a tough but exciting match.

Reporter: You have a unique play style, favoring a defending role in a 3-5-2 formation. What is it about defending that you enjoy?

Feliciano: I take pride in my defensive skills. I believe that a strong defense is the foundation for a successful team.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Feliciano: Well, not many people know this, but I actually have a passion for cooking. I love experimenting with new flavors and creating delicious dishes for my family.

Reporter: That's fascinating! Thank you for sharing that with us, Feliciano. We wish you continued success with Cordoba Gauchos.

Feliciano: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure to chat with you.