Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Midfielder Yujin Sera

Exclusive Interview with Cordoba Gauchos Midfielder Yujin Sera

Reporter: Yujin, thank you for sitting down with us today. Let's start off by talking about your exceptional recent form on the pitch. How have you managed to maintain such a high level of performance at the age of 39?

Yujin: Thank you for having me. It's simple really, I have dedicated my entire life to the game. I eat, sleep, and breathe football. I may not have many years left in my career, but I am determined to make the most of them.

Reporter: Your practice ethics are known to be extremely intense. Can you tell us more about your relentless work ethic and how it has helped you throughout your career?

Yujin: My work ethic is what sets me apart from other players. I am willing to do whatever it takes to improve and be the best I can be. I have sacrificed a lot along the way, but it has all been worth it.

Reporter: It's clear that football is your number one priority. Do you ever regret not making time for other aspects of life, such as friends and fun?

Yujin: I don't have any regrets. Football is my passion and my purpose. Everything else is secondary. I believe that to be truly successful, you have to be willing to make sacrifices.

Reporter: Moving on to your health, you have been known to push through injuries and play through pain. Do you worry about the long-term effects on your body?

Yujin: I try not to think about it. I know that my body may not age well, but I am focused on the present. I will deal with the consequences later.

Reporter: Lastly, can you tell us about your favorite club to play against and why?

Yujin: I always look forward to playing against COP. They are a tough opponent, but I thrive under pressure. It's always a challenge, but I enjoy it.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Yujin. Best of luck for the rest of the season.

Yujin: Thank you. I will continue to give my all for Cordoba Gauchos.