Exclusive Interview with Defender Norbert Lang: A Rising Star in French Football

Exclusive Interview with Defender Norbert Lang: A Rising Star in French Football

Reporter: Norbert, congratulations on your exceptional form this season. How do you feel about your performance so far?

Norbert: Thank you! I'm really pleased with how things are going for me on the pitch. I've been working hard in training and it's paying off in the matches.

Reporter: Your coach has praised your work ethics. Can you tell us a bit about how you approach your career as a professional football player?

Norbert: I take my career very seriously. I make sure to put in the extra hours to improve my skills and fitness. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun too. It's all about finding the right balance.

Reporter: You've been known to power through injuries and concussions. How do you manage to stay healthy and perform at your best?

Norbert: I've had my fair share of injuries, that's for sure. But I have a lot of determination and a strong will to succeed. I push myself to the limit, but I also know when to take a step back and rest when needed.

Reporter: What's your favorite club to play against?

Norbert: Definitely CCC. They always bring out the best in me and it's always an intense match.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life off the pitch?

Norbert: Well, I actually have a pet turtle named Michel. He's been with me through thick and thin, always there to cheer me up after a tough match.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Norbert. We wish you all the best in your career at Ile-de-France Foot.

Norbert: Thank you, it was a pleasure.