Exclusive Interview with Doha Falcons' Exceptional Midfielder Sella Audy

Exclusive Interview with Doha Falcons' Exceptional Midfielder Sella Audy

Reporter: Sella, it's great to have you here for an exclusive interview. So, how has your experience been with Doha Falcons so far?

Sella: It's been a great experience. I really like how the club invests in team chemistry and culture. It's important for me to feel like I'm a part of a family than just a player on the pitch.

Reporter: Your recent form has been exceptional. What do you attribute your success to?

Sella: I think it's a combination of factors. I have been working extremely hard in practice and doing everything I can to get better. Football is my only goal in life, so I'm willing to sacrifice everything else around me for it. I have also been striking a balance between maintaining good health habits while still having fun.

Reporter: What has been your favorite match this season?

Sella: Definitely the match against GYM. It's always exciting playing against them and the atmosphere is electric.

Reporter: What is your favorite formation and playstyle?

Sella: I really like the 3-5-2 formation and defending. It allows me to have more control in the midfield and contribute to the team's overall success.

Reporter: What interesting fact can you share about your life outside of football?

Sella: Well, I actually used to be a talented pianist before I fully committed to a career in football.

Reporter: Lastly, what are your goals for the rest of the season?

Sella: My goal is to continue to perform at a high level and help the team climb up in the rankings. I'm confident that with our hard work and determination, we can achieve great things this season.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Sella, and best of luck for the rest of the season.

Sella: Thank you, it was my pleasure.