Exclusive Interview with Great OSV Midfielder Yu Tang

Exclusive Interview with Great OSV Midfielder Yu Tang

Reporter: Thank you for sitting down with us, Yu. Can you tell us about your recent form and how you're feeling heading into the new season?

Yu Tang: My recent form has been exceptional, I've been training hard and I feel ready for the new season. I'm excited to get back on the pitch and show what I can do.

Reporter: You mentioned that you like clubs who put on a good show for the fans. How does Great OSV stack up in that regard?

Yu Tang: Great OSV is a fantastic club with passionate fans. They always put on a great show, and I love playing in front of our supporters.

Reporter: You have a reputation for your strong skill on the field. How do you maintain such a high level of play at the age of 39?

Yu Tang: I have always been dedicated to my craft. I will do everything I can to get better, even if it means sacrificing everything else in my life. My only goal is to thrive as a footballer.

Reporter: You've had a colorful career, both on and off the field. Can you share a random interesting fact about your life with our readers?

Yu Tang: One interesting fact about me is that I once played in a cup final after partying all night. I powered through injuries and concussions to help my team win. I may not age well, but I'll always give my all on the pitch.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that story, Yu. Lastly, can you tell us about your favorite club to play against and your preferred formation and play style?

Yu Tang: My favorite club to play against is GYM. I enjoy playing in a 4-4-2 formation and my preferred play style is neutral, adapting to the situation as needed.

Reporter: Well, thank you for your time and best of luck in the upcoming season, Yu.

Yu Tang: Thank you. I will give it my all on the pitch as always.