Exclusive Interview with Himachal Avalanche Defender Mohamed Abdallah

Exclusive Interview with Himachal Avalanche Defender Mohamed Abdallah

Reporter: Thank you for sitting down with us, Mohamed. Let's start with your recent injury. How are you feeling and when do you expect to be back on the pitch?

Mohamed: Thank you for having me. I'm doing my best to recover quickly and get back to playing as soon as possible. The injury has been frustrating, but I'm working hard to get back to full fitness.

Reporter: You haven't played a match this season. How has that affected your morale and motivation?

Mohamed: It's been tough not being able to contribute on the pitch, but I'm using this time to focus on my recovery and improve my game in other ways. I'm staying positive and looking forward to getting back out there.

Reporter: Your favorite club to play against is OSV. Why is that?

Mohamed: OSV always brings out the best in me. The rivalry between our clubs is intense, and I thrive in those high-pressure matches. It's always a great challenge to face them on the pitch.

Reporter: You mentioned adopting healthier habits as you get older. How has that changed your approach to the game?

Mohamed: As I've gotten older, I've realized the importance of taking care of my body to prolong my career. I've been focusing on my diet and fitness to stay in top shape. It's made a big difference in my performance on the pitch.

Reporter: Can you share a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Mohamed: One interesting fact about me is that I'm a skilled musician. I love playing the guitar in my free time and it helps me relax and unwind after a tough match.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that, Mohamed. We wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back on the pitch soon.

Mohamed: Thank you for the well wishes. I can't wait to get back out there and help my team achieve success.