Exclusive Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC's Brigitte Hoover

Exclusive Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC's Brigitte Hoover

Reporter: Brigitte, thank you for taking the time to chat with us today. Let's start off by talking about your recent injury. How are you feeling and when can we expect to see you back on the pitch?

Brigitte Hoover: Thank you for having me. I'm feeling better day by day and making good progress with my recovery. I'm hoping to be back in action within the next few weeks, but I'm taking it one step at a time to ensure I come back stronger than ever.

Reporter: That's great to hear. Despite not being able to play this season, how have you been staying involved with the team and maintaining your fitness levels?

Brigitte Hoover: It's been tough not being able to play, but I've been attending all the training sessions and working closely with the coaching staff to stay sharp. I've also been doing extra fitness work on my own to make sure I'm ready to hit the ground running once I'm cleared to play again.

Reporter: Your favorite club to play against is OIL. What is it about facing them that gets you fired up?

Brigitte Hoover: OIL is always a tough opponent and they bring out the best in me. I love the challenge of going up against their top players and testing myself against the best. It's always a fierce battle when we play them, and I thrive in those intense moments.

Reporter: Can you share with us a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Brigitte Hoover: Sure! One interesting fact about me is that I have a passion for cooking. I love experimenting with new recipes and creating delicious dishes for my friends and family. It's a great way for me to relax and unwind off the pitch.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Brigitte. We wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back on the field soon.

Brigitte Hoover: Thank you, I appreciate the well wishes. I can't wait to get back out there and help my team achieve success.