Exclusive Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC's Sanye Yuen

Exclusive Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC's Sanye Yuen

Interviewer: Sanye, despite not playing any matches this season, your recent form has been exceptional. How do you manage to stay in top shape without game time?

Sanye Yuen: Well, I believe in the importance of maintaining good health and fitness regardless of playing time. I make sure to stay active and follow a balanced diet to keep myself ready for whenever I am called upon.

Interviewer: Many have criticized your practice ethics, calling you lazy. How do you respond to these accusations?

Sanye Yuen: Football is definitely important to me, but I also value spending time with my family and pursuing other interests outside of the game. I may not be the hardest worker on the training ground, but I believe that I still make a valuable contribution to the team.

Interviewer: Your favorite club to play against is OIL. Why is that?

Sanye Yuen: I always enjoy the challenge of facing OIL. They have a strong team and it pushes me to elevate my performance. Plus, the rivalry between our clubs adds an extra level of intensity to the match.

Interviewer: What is one random interesting fact about your life that fans may not know?

Sanye Yuen: I actually have a passion for cooking and love experimenting with different recipes in my free time. It's a great way for me to relax and unwind outside of football.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Sanye. We look forward to seeing you back on the pitch soon.

Sanye Yuen: Thank you for having me. I can't wait to get back out there and contribute to the team's success.