Exclusive Interview with Maude Kessler: The Defensive Dynamo Leading Rotorua Savages to Victory

Exclusive Interview with Maude Kessler: The Defensive Dynamo Leading Rotorua Savages to Victory

Reporter: Maude, congratulations on your exceptional form this season with Rotorua Savages. How do you feel about the team's current ranking at the top of the table?

Maude: Thank you, it's been a great team effort so far. I'm proud of what we've been able to achieve and I believe we have what it takes to stay at the top.

Reporter: You have a reputation for being a serious and dedicated player on and off the pitch. Can you tell us more about your practice ethics and how they have helped you excel in your career?

Maude: I've always been someone who takes my career seriously. I invest a lot of time and effort into improving my skills and I think it's paying off. My coach appreciates my work ethic, but I also know how to have fun and relax when needed.

Reporter: As an experienced player, how have you adapted your lifestyle to prolong your career on the field?

Maude: When I was younger, I wasn't the most health-conscious player. But as I've gotten older, I've started to pay more attention to what I eat and how I take care of my body. Less fast food, more keto, you know. It's all about taking care of myself so I can keep playing at a high level for as long as possible.

Reporter: What's one interesting fact about your life that fans might not know about you?

Maude: Well, I actually have a degree in psychology. I think it helps me understand my teammates better and how to work together as a cohesive unit on the field.

Reporter: Lastly, what are your goals for the rest of the season with Rotorua Savages?

Maude: Our goal is to maintain our position at the top of the table and ultimately win the championship. I believe in this team and I know we have what it takes to achieve our goals.