Exclusive Interview with Raizes Sao Paulo Defender Godfrey Schultz: "I Love Clubs that Put on a Good Show for the Fans"

Exclusive Interview with Raizes Sao Paulo Defender Godfrey Schultz: "I Love Clubs that Put on a Good Show for the Fans"

Reporter: Godfrey, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's talk about your time at Raizes Sao Paulo. How has it been playing for them?

Godfrey Schultz: It's been great. I love the atmosphere and the passion that the fans bring to every game. I think it's important for a club to put on a good show for the fans, and Raizes does just that.

Reporter: You've been in exceptional form this season. What do you attribute that to?

Godfrey Schultz: I've been working hard on and off the pitch to improve my game. I take my career seriously, but I also know how to have a good time. My coach appreciates my work ethic, and I think it shows on the pitch.

Reporter: Speaking of having a good time, there have been rumors of you partying all night before a cup final. Is that true?

Godfrey Schultz: (laughs) Yeah, that happened. But I still played well, and we won the cup. Sometimes you need to let loose a little bit.

Reporter: You've played against many clubs in your career. Which one is your favorite to play against?

Godfrey Schultz: Definitely HOS. They have a great team, and playing against them is always a challenge.

Reporter: Let's talk about your play style. You seem to enjoy defending. Is that your favorite play style?

Godfrey Schultz: Yes, I love defending. It's a crucial part of the game, and I take pride in doing it well.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share an interesting fact about your life?

Godfrey Schultz: Well, I used to be a professional surfer before I became a football player. I still love to surf in my free time.

Reporter: That's really cool. Thank you for speaking with us today, Godfrey. Good luck in your upcoming matches.

Godfrey Schultz: Thank you. It was my pleasure.