Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Denitsa Roman

Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Denitsa Roman

Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Denitsa. Let's start by talking about your recent exceptional form despite not having played any matches this season. How have you managed to stay in such great shape and form?

Denitsa Roman: Thank you for having me. I believe my serious practice ethics have played a huge role in my current form. I always make sure to invest time both on and off the pitch to improve myself as a player. I also try to balance hard work with some relaxation to keep a healthy mindset.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. It's clear that your dedication is paying off. Can you tell us about your favorite club to play against and why?

Denitsa Roman: My favorite club to play against would have to be COP. They always bring out the best in me and it's a challenge that I enjoy. Plus, the rivalry between our clubs adds an extra level of excitement to the match.

Interviewer: Speaking of matches, what is your favorite formation and play style to use on the pitch?

Denitsa Roman: I prefer the 4-2-3-1 formation because it allows me to showcase my skills as a midfielder. As for play style, I like to keep it neutral and adapt to the situation on the field. Being versatile is key in football.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Denitsa Roman: Well, I actually used to be a picky eater and loved fast food, but as I've gotten older, I've started to adopt healthier habits like following a keto diet. It's all about taking care of my body now so I can prolong my career in the long run.

Interviewer: That's a great mindset to have. Thank you for sharing with us, Denitsa. We look forward to seeing more of your exceptional form on the pitch.

Denitsa Roman: Thank you for having me. I'll continue to work hard and hopefully contribute to the success of Sons of the Sahya.