Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Godfrey Shoemaker

Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Godfrey Shoemaker

Reporter: Good afternoon, Godfrey. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. How are you feeling about your recent exceptional form on the pitch?

Godfrey: Thank you for having me. I'm feeling really good about my performance recently. I've been working hard in training and it's paying off on the field.

Reporter: You haven't played any matches this season yet. How are you staying motivated and ready for when your opportunity comes?

Godfrey: I know my time will come. I just have to keep working hard in training and be ready when the coach calls upon me. I'm staying focused and determined to make the most of my chance when it comes.

Reporter: What do you enjoy the most about playing for BBZ F.C.?

Godfrey: I love the atmosphere at the club. The fans are amazing and the club always puts on a good show for them. It's a great environment to play in and I feel like I can really thrive here.

Reporter: Can you tell us about your favorite club to play against?

Godfrey: I always look forward to playing against GIZ. They're a tough team to beat but I enjoy the challenge. It pushes me to elevate my game and I always give my best against them.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life off the pitch?

Godfrey: One interesting fact about me is that I love to cook in my free time. I find it relaxing and it helps me unwind after a tough training session. Plus, I get to experiment with different flavors and dishes, which I really enjoy.

Reporter: That's fascinating! Thank you for sharing with us, Godfrey. We wish you all the best for the rest of the season.

Godfrey: Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll keep working hard and hopefully, I can contribute to the team's success in the future.