Exclusive Interview with Rising Star, Helena Sanger

Exclusive Interview with Rising Star, Helena Sanger

Reporter: Helena, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Your recent form has been exceptional with the Doha Falcons. How do you feel about your performance so far this season?

Helena: Thank you for having me. I'm really pleased with how things have been going on the pitch. I've been working hard to improve my skills and help the team secure our current first place ranking.

Reporter: You mentioned that you enjoy playing against BBZ. What is it about that club that makes those matches stand out for you?

Helena: BBZ always brings out the best in me. The competition is fierce and I thrive in that kind of environment. Plus, the atmosphere during those matches is electric and really gets me pumped up.

Reporter: We've also heard that you prefer a more attacking play style. How do you think that fits in with your role as a defender?

Helena: I believe that a strong defense is the foundation for a successful attacking play. By being aggressive and pushing forward when the opportunity arises, I can help create scoring opportunities for my team while still staying solid at the back.

Reporter: And finally, we've heard that you are starting to focus more on your health as you progress in your career. Can you tell us a bit about that?

Helena: As a young player, I didn't pay much attention to things like diet and recovery. But as I've gotten older, I've realized the importance of taking care of my body in order to prolong my career. I've been making healthier choices and focusing on my fitness to ensure that I can continue playing at a high level for years to come.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Helena. We wish you all the best for the rest of the season with the Doha Falcons.

{End of Interview}