Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Xian Lu: The Young Midfielder Making Waves at Royal Cambridge FC

Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Xian Lu: The Young Midfielder Making Waves at Royal Cambridge FC

Interviewer: Xian, thank you for taking the time to sit down with us. Let's start off by talking about your recent form, which has been exceptional. What do you attribute your success to?

Xian Lu: Thank you for having me. I think my recent form can be attributed to my serious practice ethics. I am always looking to improve and I work hard both on and off the pitch. My coach has praised me for my work ethics, which I think has really helped me perform well in matches.

Interviewer: It's great to hear that you are dedicated to your career. However, some have raised concerns about your healthiness, as you have been known to party all night before important matches. How do you respond to those concerns?

Xian Lu: (laughs) Yeah, I have been known to let loose once in a while, but I always make sure to prioritize my career. I have powered through injuries and concussions in the past, so I am confident that I can handle whatever comes my way. My body may be more of a ruin than a temple, but I know how to take care of myself.

Interviewer: That's certainly an interesting perspective. Moving on, I understand that you have a favorite club to play against. Can you tell us why you enjoy playing against SUN?

Xian Lu: SUN is a club that always puts on a good show for the fans, which I really appreciate. I love the energy and intensity of the matches we have against them. It's always a great challenge and I thrive in those situations.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share with us a random interesting fact about your life that fans may not know about?

Xian Lu: Well, I actually have a twin brother who also plays football. We used to play together when we were younger, but he has since moved on to a different club. It's always fun to compete against him whenever our teams face off.

Interviewer: That's a fascinating tidbit! Thank you for sharing that with us, Xian. We wish you continued success at Royal Cambridge FC.

Xian Lu: Thank you, it was a pleasure speaking with you.