Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Zoua Wei

Exclusive Interview with Rising Star Zoua Wei

Reporter: Hello Zoua, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. How are you feeling after your recent injury?

Zoua Wei: Thank you for having me. I'm feeling a bit frustrated to be honest, but I'm working hard on my recovery to get back on the field as soon as possible.

Reporter: You've had a bit of a rough patch in terms of form recently. What do you think has been the main factor behind this?

Zoua Wei: It's been a tough time for me, but I think it's just part of the game. I've been trying to stay positive and focused on improving my performance. I know I have the potential to do better, and I'm determined to prove that.

Reporter: Your practice ethic has been called into question by some critics. How do you respond to those who label you as lazy?

Zoua Wei: I understand where they're coming from, but I believe that football is not just about hard work, it's also about enjoying the game and balancing it with other aspects of life. I may not put in extra hours on the training ground, but I always give my best during matches.

Reporter: Can you tell us a bit about your favorite club to play against and why?

Zoua Wei: I really enjoy playing against RAI. They always bring out the best in me and it's always a tough and exciting match.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with our readers?

Zoua Wei: Well, not many people know this, but I'm actually an avid painter in my free time. I find it to be a great way to relax and express myself creatively.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Zoua. We wish you a speedy recovery and all the best for the rest of the season.

Zoua Wei: Thank you, I appreciate the support.