Exclusive Interview with Rotorua Savages Forward Lilli Lang

Exclusive Interview with Rotorua Savages Forward Lilli Lang

Interviewer: Lilli, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's start off by discussing your current club, the Rotorua Savages. What drew you to this team?

Lilli Lang: Well, I've always been drawn to clubs that prioritize team chemistry and culture. The Savages really embody that ethos, and it's been a pleasure playing alongside such dedicated and passionate teammates.

Interviewer: Your recent form has been exceptional, with five matches played this season. What do you attribute your success to on the field?

Lilli Lang: I believe in giving my all in every training session and match. I have a strong work ethic and am willing to sacrifice anything to thrive as a footballer. This singular focus has helped me maintain my high level of performance.

Interviewer: Despite not scoring any goals or assists this season, you have been a key player in the Savages' success. How do you contribute to the team's performance?

Lilli Lang: I may not have directly contributed to the goals or assists, but I believe my presence on the field and my attacking play style create opportunities for my teammates to shine. It's all about the team effort, not just individual statistics.

Interviewer: What is your favorite aspect of playing against SYC, your favorite club to play against?

Lilli Lang: SYC always brings out the best in me. The competition is fierce, and I thrive in that environment. It pushes me to be a better player and to elevate my game.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life off the pitch?

Lilli Lang: Despite my intense dedication to football, I do find time to enjoy other aspects of life. I love spending time outdoors, hiking and exploring nature. It's a great way for me to relax and recharge outside of the game.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing with us, Lilli. We wish you continued success with the Rotorua Savages.