Exclusive Interview with Shunta Nomura: The Exceptional Midfielder Reveals His Secrets

Exclusive Interview with Shunta Nomura: The Exceptional Midfielder Reveals His Secrets

Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Shunta. Let's start off by talking about your current club, Blue Devils Busan. What do you like most about playing for them?

Shunta Nomura: I appreciate clubs that put on a good show for the fans. Blue Devils Busan definitely knows how to entertain the crowd, and that's what I enjoy the most about playing for them.

Interviewer: You have had an exceptional recent form, but have yet to play any matches this season. Can you tell us why that is?

Shunta Nomura: I have been working tirelessly in training to improve my game even further. My practice ethics are extremely high, and my only goal in life is to thrive as a footballer. I am willing to sacrifice everything else to achieve that.

Interviewer: It's clear that you are dedicated to your craft. How have you been taking steps to prolong your career as you reach the age of 40?

Shunta Nomura: As a young player, I was not the most health-conscious on the pitch. However, with age and experience, I have started adopting healthier habits. I have cut down on fast food and have shifted to a more keto-friendly diet to ensure that I can continue playing at a high level for as long as possible.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. Do you have a favorite club to play against?

Shunta Nomura: Definitely INT. The matches against them are always intense and bring out the best in me.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share with us your favorite formation and play style?

Shunta Nomura: My favorite formation is 4-4-2, and I love playing a defending style. I believe that a strong defense is the foundation for a successful team.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Shunta. Before we wrap up, can you share a random interesting fact about your life?

Shunta Nomura: I used to have no friends and no fun, as my only focus was on improving as a footballer. But as I have grown older, I have learned to strike a better balance between work and personal life.

Interviewer: That's a fascinating insight into your journey. Thank you once again for the interview, Shunta Nomura.