Exclusive Interview with Tong Lum: The Veteran Forward Talks About His Career and Future

Exclusive Interview with Tong Lum: The Veteran Forward Talks About His Career and Future

Reporter: Tong Lum, thank you for sitting down with us today. Let's start off by discussing your current club, Ile-de-France Foot. What made you choose to join this team at this stage in your career?

Tong Lum: Well, Ile-de-France Foot is a club that is ambitious and wants to win at all costs. I thrive in environments like that, where the competition is fierce and the desire to succeed is palpable. Plus, the opportunity to play against my favorite club, HOS, is always a highlight for me.

Reporter: You have had an exceptional career so far, with a strong skill set and a mature playing style. What keeps you motivated after all these years?

Tong Lum: I think it's the love for the game that keeps me going. I may not be the hardest worker on the field, but I give my all when I step onto the pitch. I also never turn down an opportunity to have fun, as long as I can still meet the expectations of the club.

Reporter: Speaking of expectations, your team is currently ranked 5th out of 10 teams. What do you think needs to change for Ile-de-France Foot to climb up the standings?

Tong Lum: I believe we need to work on our consistency and focus more on our formations and play styles. I personally prefer a 4-2-3-1 formation and a neutral play style, so that's something I try to implement on the field. Of course, scoring some goals wouldn't hurt either.

Reporter: You mentioned injuries and concussions earlier. How has your health affected your career, and do you have any regrets about how you've treated your body over the years?

Tong Lum: My body is definitely not in the best shape, but I have no regrets about how I've lived my life. I've partied all night before cup finals and powered through injuries, but I wouldn't change a thing. It's all part of the game for me.

Reporter: And finally, do you have any plans for after your playing career is over? Any interests outside of football?

Tong Lum: I haven't thought too much about it, to be honest. Football has been my life for so long that it's hard to imagine doing anything else. But who knows, maybe I'll look into coaching or mentoring younger players. As long as I can stay involved in the game, I'll be happy.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Tong Lum. We wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season.

Tong Lum: Thank you. It was a pleasure speaking with you.