Experienced Defender Garold Wolf Puts Everything on the Line for Royal Cambridge FC

Experienced Defender Garold Wolf Puts Everything on the Line for Royal Cambridge FC

Interviewer: Welcome Garold Wolf. You’ve had an exceptional season with Royal Cambridge FC this season, how have you found the experience so far?

Garold Wolf: It has been a great experience so far. We have a good team, a great coach and everyone works hard. We strive to win at all costs and I love that about this club.

Interviewer: It certainly shows in your form, with four matches played this season, what is your practice ethics?

Garold Wolf: I’ll do anything to get better. I don’t take days off and spend every day working on my game. I don’t have a social life, I don’t have any friends, my only goal is to be the best footballer I can be, even if that means sacrificing other areas of my life.

Interviewer: That is certainly impressive, but with such a gruelling routine surely it takes a toll on your health?

Garold Wolf: Well, I have had my fair share of party nights and injuries in the past, but I manage to push through them. I don’t think I’ll be ageing too gracefully but it’s all worth it for the team.

Interviewer: What has been your favourite match to play so far?

Garold Wolf: I would have to say our match against COP. They’re a great team and we played a very attacking 4-3-3 formation that I really enjoyed. We conceded 18 goals in that match but I think it made us stronger and now we’re eight out of ten teams in the league.

Interviewer: That’s fantastic. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Garold Wolf: Just one thing. Although I lead a very demanding lifestyle, I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Interviewer: Thank you, Garold.

Random Interesting Fact: Garold Wolf’s favorite type of music to listen to before a match is heavy metal.