Felita Dandy: The Unconventional Defender

Felita Dandy: The Unconventional Defender

Reporter: Felita, you have been having an exceptional season so far with Olympians Cariocas. Can you tell us about your recent form and how you have been able to perform so well despite not playing any matches this season?

Felita Dandy: Thank you! Yes, it's been a great start to the season for me. I think my experience and my love for the game have really helped me stay in top form even without playing any matches. I may not have the strongest skills, but I make up for it with my determination and passion for football.

Reporter: Many have called you lazy due to your lack of practice ethics. How do you respond to those criticisms?

Felita Dandy: I understand where they're coming from, but I believe that football is not just about putting in extra work on the training ground. It's also about enjoying the game and balancing it with other aspects of life. I may have a wide range of interests outside of football, but that doesn't mean I'm not dedicated to the sport.

Reporter: You have a reputation for partying all night before important games and playing through injuries. How do you manage to maintain your health and still perform at a high level?

Felita Dandy: (laughs) I guess I just have a strong will and a love for the game that pushes me to keep going, even when my body is telling me to stop. I know I may not age well, but I try to take care of myself as much as I can.

Reporter: Lastly, can you tell us about your favorite club to play against and your preferred formation and play style?

Felita Dandy: I love playing against GIZ, they always bring out the best in me. My favorite formation is 4-2-3-1, and I enjoy playing an attacking style of football. I believe in taking risks and pushing forward to create scoring opportunities.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Felita. It's been a pleasure speaking with you.

Felita Dandy: Thank you, it's been a pleasure as well.