Genevieve Gagnon: The Rising Star Goalkeeper Making Waves at Royal Cambridge FC

Genevieve Gagnon: The Rising Star Goalkeeper Making Waves at Royal Cambridge FC

Reporter: Genevieve, congratulations on your exceptional form this season. How do you feel about your performances so far?

Genevieve Gagnon: Thank you! I'm really pleased with how things have been going on the pitch. I've been working hard in training and it's great to see it pay off in matches.

Reporter: What do you look for in a club, in terms of team chemistry and culture?

Genevieve Gagnon: I really value a club that invests in team chemistry and culture. It's important to feel like a family on and off the pitch, and that definitely helps with performance.

Reporter: You have a balanced approach to health and fitness. How do you maintain that while still enjoying yourself?

Genevieve Gagnon: It's all about finding a good balance. I take my training and nutrition seriously, but I also believe in having fun and enjoying life. It's important to strike a healthy balance.

Reporter: What's your favorite formation and play style?

Genevieve Gagnon: I really enjoy playing in a 4-4-1-1 formation, with a focus on defending. I like the challenge of keeping a clean sheet and helping my team secure victories.

Reporter: Can you share a random interesting fact about your life?

Genevieve Gagnon: Well, something not many people know about me is that I'm also a talented pianist. Music is a big passion of mine outside of football.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Genevieve. We look forward to seeing more of your exceptional performances on the pitch.

Genevieve Gagnon: Thank you, it was my pleasure. I'll continue to work hard and make my club proud.