Himachal Avalanche's Delvia Tack reveals his love for winning at all costs

Himachal Avalanche's Delvia Tack reveals his love for winning at all costs

Interviewer: Delvia, it's great to have you with us today. Let's start off by talking about your love for winning at all costs. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

Delvia Tack: Sure, for me, football is all about winning. I love playing for clubs that have a winning mentality and are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. Whether it's putting in extra hours on the training ground or showing a bit of extra fight on the pitch, I believe that winning should always be the goal.

Interviewer: That's a great attitude to have. How do you think that plays out in your personal style of play?

Delvia Tack: Well, as a defender, my role is to protect my team's goal and make it as difficult as possible for the opposition to score. I take a lot of pride in my defending and always try to be the best that I can be. Whether it's making crucial tackles or disrupting the opposition's attack, I always try to do whatever it takes to help my team win.

Interviewer: Your recent form has been exceptional. What do you attribute that to?

Delvia Tack: I think it's a combination of things. Firstly, I'm always looking to improve my game and work on the areas where I might not be as strong. But also, I'm fortunate to play alongside some incredible teammates who make my job a lot easier. It's a real team effort - we all work together to achieve our goals.

Interviewer: Speaking of the team, you haven't played any matches this season. What's been going on there?

Delvia Tack: Unfortunately, I picked up a bit of an injury in pre-season which has kept me out of action so far. But I'm working hard to get back to full fitness and I'm hoping to be back on the pitch soon.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. Finally, can you tell us one interesting fact about your life?

Delvia Tack: Well, I'm actually a keen musician. I love playing the guitar and writing my own songs in my spare time. It's a great way to unwind after a tough day on the pitch.

Interviewer: That's really cool. Thanks for chatting with us today, Delvia.

Delvia Tack: No problem, thanks for having me.