Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC forward Alana Tupou

Interview with Lagos Sunshine FC forward Alana Tupou

Reporter: Alana, your recent form has been exceptional with 4 goals and 2 assists in just 4 matches this season. How do you explain your success on the field?

Alana: Thank you, it's been a great start to the season for me. I think my skill as a forward has really helped me find the back of the net. I've been working on my finishing and positioning, and it's paying off.

Reporter: Despite your success, some critics have labeled you as lazy due to your practice ethics. How do you respond to that?

Alana: I understand where they're coming from, but football is not the only thing in my life. I enjoy having fun and spending time with my family. However, when I step onto the field, I give my all and try to make a difference for my team.

Reporter: Your healthiness has been a concern, with reports of partying before cup finals and playing through injuries. How do you manage to perform despite these challenges?

Alana: I believe in pushing through adversity and giving my best no matter what. I take care of my body as best as I can, but I also know how to play through pain and setbacks. Football is my passion, and I will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Reporter: What is your favorite club to play against and why?

Alana: I always look forward to playing against MAR. They are a tough opponent, but I enjoy the challenge they bring to the game.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life that fans may not know?

Alana: Well, I actually have a black belt in karate. It's a hobby of mine that I've been doing since I was a kid. It helps me stay disciplined and focused on and off the field.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Alana. We wish you continued success for the rest of the season.

Alana: Thank you, it was a pleasure.