Interview with Novi Gede: The Rising Star of Cobras United

Interview with Novi Gede: The Rising Star of Cobras United

Reporter: Novi, congratulations on your recent exceptional form. What do you attribute your success to?

Novi Gede: Thank you. I think it's a combination of hard work and natural talent. I've been putting in the work on the field and it's paying off.

Reporter: Your practice ethics have been described as average. Do you think you need to work harder to reach your full potential?

Novi Gede: I believe in working smart, not just hard. I make sure to do what is necessary to perform well on the pitch, but I also enjoy my life off the field. It's all about finding the right balance.

Reporter: You have scored 4 goals and provided 5 assists this season. What is your secret to being such a creative playmaker?

Novi Gede: I just try to read the game and play my natural game. I like to be involved in the build-up play and create chances for my teammates. It's a role I enjoy and I'm glad I've been able to contribute in that way.

Reporter: You have been known to party all night before big games. How do you manage to perform at your best despite this lifestyle?

Novi Gede: (laughs) Well, I guess I just have a lot of energy. I know when to have fun and when to focus on my game. It's all about finding that balance and making sure I can deliver on the pitch when it matters.

Reporter: What are your goals for the future in your football career?

Novi Gede: I want to continue to improve and help my team climb up the rankings. I also dream of playing for a top club one day and competing in international competitions. I know I have a lot of potential and I'm excited to see where my career takes me.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Novi. Good luck with the rest of the season.

Novi Gede: Thank you. It was a pleasure.