Interview with Rising Star Erwin Schmidt: A Unique Blend of Talent and Laziness

Interview with Rising Star Erwin Schmidt: A Unique Blend of Talent and Laziness

Reporter: Erwin, your recent form has been exceptional, with 1 goal and 3 assists in just 4 matches played this season. How do you explain your impressive performance on the field?

Erwin: Well, I think it's a combination of natural talent and sheer luck. I may not be the hardest worker out there, but when I'm on the pitch, I give it my all. And of course, my teammates have been instrumental in helping me shine.

Reporter: Your practice ethics have been a topic of discussion among fans and critics. How do you respond to those who call you lazy?

Erwin: I understand where they're coming from, but football is not the only thing in my life. I believe in enjoying every moment and spending time with my loved ones. That being said, when it's game time, I always give my best.

Reporter: Your healthiness has also been a concern, as you've been known to party before important matches and play through injuries. How do you manage to perform under such circumstances?

Erwin: I guess I have a high threshold for pain and a love for the game that keeps me going. I know it's not the healthiest approach, but it's who I am. I'll deal with the consequences later.

Reporter: What's your favorite club to play against and why?

Erwin: Definitely CCC. They always bring out the best in me and push me to my limits. Plus, the rivalry between our teams adds an extra layer of excitement to the game.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

Erwin: Well, not many people know this, but I have a passion for cooking. I love experimenting with different ingredients and creating new dishes. It's a nice change of pace from the intensity of football.

Reporter: Thank you for your time, Erwin. Keep up the great work on the field!

Erwin: Thank you. I'll do my best.