Interview with Rising Star Lan Edin: The Future of Cordoba Gauchos

Interview with Rising Star Lan Edin: The Future of Cordoba Gauchos

Reporter: Thank you for sitting down with us, Lan. Let's start with your recent exceptional form on the pitch. How do you feel about your performance so far this season?

Lan Edin: I'm pleased with how things have been going. I've been working hard to improve my skills and it's paying off on the field. I just need to start converting those chances into goals.

Reporter: Speaking of goals, you haven't scored any yet this season. Is that something that concerns you?

Lan Edin: Not really. Of course, I want to score goals and help my team win, but I'm confident they will come. I just need to keep working hard and stay focused.

Reporter: You mentioned that you are progressively adopting healthier habits. Can you tell us more about that?

Lan Edin: Yeah, as a young player, I didn't pay much attention to my diet and health. But now I realize the importance of taking care of my body to prolong my career. I'm trying to eat healthier and stay fit.

Reporter: That's great to hear. Now, let's talk about your favorite club to play against, MAR. Why do you enjoy facing them on the field?

Lan Edin: MAR has a strong team and playing against them is always a challenge. I thrive in high-pressure situations and facing tough opponents like MAR brings out the best in me.

Reporter: And finally, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

Lan Edin: Well, not many people know this but I have a hidden talent for playing the guitar. I like to relax and unwind by strumming a few chords after a tough match.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Lan. We wish you all the best for the rest of the season with Cordoba Gauchos.

Lan Edin: Thank you, it was a pleasure.