Interview with Sons of the Sahya Midfielder Kiani Kamai

Interview with Sons of the Sahya Midfielder Kiani Kamai

Reporter: Kiani, thank you for sitting down with us today. Let's start off by talking about your favorite club to play against, GAU. What is it about facing them that you enjoy?

Kiani Kamai: GAU always brings out the best in me. The rivalry between our clubs is intense, and I love the challenge of going up against their strong midfield. It pushes me to work harder and perform at my best.

Reporter: You mentioned earlier that you like clubs who invest in player development. How has Sons of the Sahya supported your growth as a player?

Kiani Kamai: Sons of the Sahya have a great coaching staff and training facilities. They provide us with the resources and opportunities to improve our skills, which is something I really value in a club. It's important for me to constantly develop and grow as a player.

Reporter: Your recent form has been exceptional, despite not scoring any goals or assists this season. What do you attribute your success to?

Kiani Kamai: I think it comes down to my strong work ethic and determination on the field. I may not always be the hardest worker, but I always give my all during matches. I focus on playing my role in the team and helping us secure victories.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share with us a random interesting fact about your life off the field?

Kiani Kamai: One interesting fact about me is that I have a passion for cooking. I love experimenting with different recipes and creating delicious meals for my friends and family. It's a great way for me to unwind and relax outside of football.

Reporter: Thank you for sharing that with us, Kiani. We wish you continued success with Sons of the Sahya and in your future endeavors.