Kurt Hartman: The Midfield Maestro

Kurt Hartman: The Midfield Maestro

Reporter: Kurt, you have been in great form lately for Sons of the Sahya. How do you maintain such exceptional skill at the age of 40?

Kurt Hartman: Thank you, it's all about dedication and hard work. I have always been focused on improving my game, even if it means sacrificing other aspects of my life. I live and breathe football, and that drive has helped me stay at the top of my game.

Reporter: Your practice ethics are well-known in the football world. How do you manage to stay motivated to keep pushing yourself every day?

Kurt Hartman: It's all about setting goals for myself and constantly striving to reach them. I have a singular focus on thriving as a footballer, and that means putting in the work every single day. No friends, no fun, just hard work and dedication.

Reporter: As you get older, have you made any changes to your lifestyle to ensure you can continue playing at a high level?

Kurt Hartman: Absolutely. As a young player, I wasn't the most health-conscious on the pitch. But with age and experience, I have realized the importance of taking care of my body. I have adopted healthier habits, focusing on a keto diet and making sure I am in peak physical condition.

Reporter: What is your favorite club to play against and why?

Kurt Hartman: I always enjoy playing against AVL. They are a tough team, but I thrive on the challenge. It brings out the best in me as a player and pushes me to perform at my highest level.

Reporter: Lastly, can you tell us a random interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Kurt Hartman: Well, I am actually an avid collector of vintage football memorabilia. I have a passion for the history of the game and love finding unique pieces to add to my collection. It's a hobby that helps me relax and unwind away from the pitch.