Legendary Footballer Bethany Durrant Talks Career and Life

Bethany Durrant, the 39-year-old midfielder for Sycamore FC, is no stranger to football excellence. The mature player has been playing the game for over two decades and her current form is nothing short of exceptional. Durrant's skill has been recognized nationwide, and she has become an inspiration to many of the younger players.
When asked what she likes most about clubs in general, Durrant answers that she likes clubs who are willing to do whatever it takes to win. She is also devoted to her practice ethics, where she'll do anything to improve her game, even if it means sacrificing leisure and pleasure activities. Durrant treats her body like her most important asset, taking all the steps to have a long and healthy career in football.
Durrant's favorite opponents to play against are SUN, and her preferred formation is 3-5-2. Her favorite play style is neutral and her team's current ranking is 6th out of 10 teams. This season, Durrant has played a total of 10 matches and scored 4 goals and made 1 assist.
An interesting fact about Durrant's life is that she was born in Australia but moved to England to pursue her football career when she was 18. Now, she's an internationally renowned footballer and continues to inspire new generations of players.