Marcella Damico: The Exceptional Midfielder with a Balanced Approach

Marcella Damico: The Exceptional Midfielder with a Balanced Approach

[Interviewer]: Marcella, thank you for taking the time to sit down with us today. You've been in exceptional form this season, but despite your great performances, you haven't managed to score any goals or provide any assists. Can you explain what's been going on?

[Marcella Damico]: Thank you for having me. Well, it's true that I haven't contributed with goals or assists so far, but football is a team sport. My main focus is to help the team win, whether it's through scoring goals or providing assists, or even creating spaces for my teammates. I believe that as long as I am doing my part and the team is successful, the goals and assists will come naturally.

[Interviewer]: That's a very selfless approach, Marcella. Speaking of the team, you are currently playing for Valparaiso Mariners AC, who are currently ranked 4th in the league. How do you think the team is performing this season?

[Marcella Damico]: The team is doing well, but we always strive for more. We have a good mix of experienced players and young talents, which brings a lot of diversity to our game. I think we have the potential to climb up the rankings and challenge the top teams. It's a long season, and we're taking it one match at a time.

[Interviewer]: It's great to hear that you have such ambition. Now, let's talk about your favorite club to play against. You mentioned INT. What makes playing against them so special for you?

[Marcella Damico]: INT is a club that has a rich history and a strong rivalry with Valparaiso Mariners AC. The matches against them are always intense and highly competitive. I enjoy the challenge and the atmosphere that comes with those matches. It pushes me to give my best and helps me grow as a player. Plus, there's nothing quite like the feeling of victory against your biggest rival.

[Interviewer]: Definitely an exciting matchup to watch. Now, let's switch gears a bit. We've heard that you're not known for your willingness to put in extra work during practice. Can you elaborate on that?

[Marcella Damico]: It's true that I have a balanced approach to football. While I take my profession seriously and always give my best during matches, I also believe in enjoying the process and having a well-rounded life outside of football. I prioritize spending time with my family and pursuing other hobbies. However, that doesn't mean I neglect my training or my responsibilities as a player. I find a way to make it work and maintain a good level of fitness and performance.

[Interviewer]: That's an interesting perspective, Marcella. It seems like you have a wide range of interests. Could you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

[Marcella Damico]: Well, here's something most people don't know. Besides football, I have a passion for painting. Whenever I have some free time, you'll find me in my art studio, capturing the beauty of the world on canvas. It's a therapeutic activity for me, and it allows me to express myself in a different way. I believe that having diverse interests helps me maintain a balanced mindset on and off the field.

{Marcella Damico: The Exceptional Midfielder with a Balanced Approach}