Meet Rotorua Savages' Midfield Maestro: Rashaun Alcantar

Meet Rotorua Savages' Midfield Maestro: Rashaun Alcantar

Reporter: Rashaun, you've had quite an impressive career so far. Can you tell us about your journey to becoming a professional football player?

Rashaun Alcantar: It's been a long and rough road, but I wouldn't change a thing. I've always been driven by my passion for the game and my desire to succeed. I've worked extremely hard to get to where I am today, sacrificing a lot along the way.

Reporter: You mentioned sacrificing a lot. Can you elaborate on that?

Rashaun Alcantar: Well, I've always been laser-focused on my career. I don't have many friends outside of football, and I don't really have time for anything else. My only goal in life is to thrive as a footballer, even if it means giving up everything else.

Reporter: That's quite a commitment. How do you stay motivated and keep pushing yourself to improve?

Rashaun Alcantar: It's all about discipline and dedication. I have a strict practice regimen and I never let anything distract me from my goals. I'm always looking for ways to get better, whether it's on the field or off.

Reporter: Speaking of the field, what do you enjoy most about playing for Rotorua Savages?

Rashaun Alcantar: I love the team chemistry and culture here. The club really invests in creating a positive environment for all the players, and that makes a huge difference on the pitch. Plus, we're currently sitting at the top of the league, so that's always a good feeling.

Reporter: That's great to hear. Before we wrap up, can you share an interesting fact about your life that fans may not know?

Rashaun Alcantar: Well, despite my intense focus on football, I actually have a soft spot for cooking. I love experimenting with different recipes and trying out new dishes in my spare time. It's a nice break from the intensity of the game.

Reporter: That's a surprising hobby! Thanks for sharing, Rashaun. We wish you continued success on and off the field.

Rashaun Alcantar: Thank you, it's been a pleasure.