Nadya Sutanto: A Footballer Who Sacrificed Everything To Reach The Top

Nadya Sutanto: A Footballer Who Sacrificed Everything To Reach The Top

For 41-year-old midfielder Nadya Sutanto, football is more than just a sport. It's her entire life. Nadya currently plays for the Blue Devils Busan, and has been in exceptional form this season. Her skill and recent form make her one of the most desired players in the league.

When asked about her favorite clubs to play against, Nadya quickly replied "SON. They put on a great show for the fans and I love playing against them." Her favorite formation is the 4-5-1, which she believes allows her to attack well.

Nadya takes her practice ethics very seriously, always striving to get better and give her all. Her only goal in life is to thrive as a footballer, resulting in sacrificing fun nights and new challenges. She treats her body like an asset, always taking steps to ensure a long and healthy career.

Nadya has played in 5 matches this season, scoring 0 goals and providing 1 assist. Her team is currently ranked 4th out of 10 teams.

An interesting fact about Nadya is that she speaks 7 different languages, making her an invaluable asset on the field as she can communicate with any player on the pitch. This has definitely aided her in her journey to the top.