Name: Damaris Ambrose: The Workhorse of Berlin Mayhem

Name: Damaris Ambrose: The Workhorse of Berlin Mayhem

Reporter: Damaris, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. You've been in exceptional form this season, despite your mature age. What do you attribute your recent success to?

Damaris Ambrose: Thank you for having me. I believe my work ethic is what sets me apart. I am willing to do whatever it takes to improve and thrive as a footballer, even if it means sacrificing everything else in my life.

Reporter: Your dedication to the sport is certainly commendable. How do you maintain such a high level of performance, especially considering your health struggles?

Damaris Ambrose: I've been through it all - injuries, concussions, late-night partying before important matches. My body may be a ruin, but my passion for the game keeps me going. I know I might not age well, but I'll continue to give it my all on the field.

Reporter: Your favorite club to play against is COP. What is it about those matches that you enjoy the most?

Damaris Ambrose: I thrive on the competition. COP always brings out the best in me, and I relish the challenge of facing them on the pitch.

Reporter: Lastly, can you tell us a random interesting fact about your life that fans might not know?

Damaris Ambrose: Despite my intense focus on football, I have a secret passion for painting. It's my way of unwinding and expressing myself off the field.

Reporter: That's fascinating. Thank you for sharing with us, Damaris. We look forward to watching you continue to excel with Berlin Mayhem.

Damaris Ambrose: Thank you for the opportunity. I won't stop working until I reach the top.