Name: Min Yong reveals his love for playing against GIZ

Name: Min Yong reveals his love for playing against GIZ

Reporter: Min Yong, it's been an exceptional season for you so far with Porto Alegre International. How do you feel about your recent form?

Min Yong: Thank you, I'm really pleased with how things are going at the moment. I've been working hard on my game and it's great to see that paying off on the field.

Reporter: You've only played two matches this season but have already scored a goal. What's been the key to your success?

Min Yong: I think it's just about taking my chances when they come. I've been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time and I've been able to capitalize on those opportunities.

Reporter: What do you like most about playing for Porto Alegre International and other clubs in general?

Min Yong: Well, I definitely appreciate clubs that pay their players well. It's important to feel valued and respected as a player. But beyond that, I also enjoy the camaraderie and team spirit that comes with being part of a club.

Reporter: You're known for your defending style of play. Can you tell us why you prefer that style?

Min Yong: I think defending is a crucial aspect of the game. It's all about being strong and disciplined at the back, and I take pride in my ability to shut down attacks and protect my team's goal.

Reporter: And finally, can you share an interesting fact about your life outside of football?

Min Yong: Well, I actually have a wide range of interests outside of football. I enjoy spending time with my family, playing other sports, and just having fun in general. I think it's important to have a balanced approach to life and to enjoy all that it has to offer.