Name: Starlit Dito, Midfielder for Berlin Mayhem, Shines Bright on and off the Pitch

Name: Starlit Dito, Midfielder for Berlin Mayhem, Shines Bright on and off the Pitch

Reporter: Starlit, your recent form has been exceptional with three assists in just five matches. What do you attribute your success to?

Starlit Dito: Thank you. I think it comes down to my serious practice ethics. I invest a lot of time in improving my skills both on and off the pitch. Plus, I have a strong passion for the game which drives me to do better every day.

Reporter: Your favorite club to play against is GIZ. Any particular reason for that?

Starlit Dito: I always enjoy the challenge they bring to the game. They have a strong team and it pushes me to perform at my best.

Reporter: I heard you like clubs who invest a lot in player development. How has Berlin Mayhem lived up to your expectations in that aspect?

Starlit Dito: Berlin Mayhem has been great in terms of player development. They have a fantastic coaching staff who work with us individually to improve our skills. It's one of the main reasons I enjoy playing for this club.

Reporter: I also heard that you are serious about your career but know how to let loose once in a while. Can you tell us more about that?

Starlit Dito: Yes, I believe in working hard but also taking time to relax and enjoy life. It's all about balance. I like to have fun with my teammates off the pitch, but when it's game time, I'm completely focused on the task at hand.

Reporter: Lastly, can you share a random interesting fact about your life with us?

Starlit Dito: Well, I have a pet parrot named Coco who loves to mimic the sound of the crowd at matches. It always makes me smile when I hear him cheering me on from home.

Reporter: That's adorable. Thank you for your time, Starlit. Keep shining bright on and off the pitch.

Starlit Dito: Thank you. It was a pleasure.