New Rising Star Sonja Bostic Shines Bright on the Field

New Rising Star Sonja Bostic Shines Bright on the Field

Reporter: So Sonja, you've been making quite the impression on the field recently with your exceptional form. How does it feel to be considered a rising star in the football world?

Sonja Bostic: It's definitely a great feeling. I've been working hard to improve my game and it's nice to see that hard work paying off.

Reporter: You haven't actually played any matches this season, but your coach has praised your practice ethics. Can you tell us a bit about how you stay motivated and focused?

Sonja Bostic: I'm very serious about my career and I know that it takes dedication and hard work to succeed. I spend a lot of time on and off the pitch working on my skills and fitness. But I also know how to have a good time and relax when I need to.

Reporter: It's been said that you have a weak skill set and that your healthiness may be a concern in the future. How do you respond to those criticisms?

Sonja Bostic: I know that I still have a lot to learn and improve on, but I'm confident that with hard work and dedication, I can overcome any weaknesses. As for my health, I try to take care of myself as best as I can, but I also believe in living life to the fullest.

Reporter: Do you have a favorite club to play against?

Sonja Bostic: Definitely MAR. The matches against them are always intense and competitive, which brings out the best in me.

Reporter: And finally, can you tell us a random interesting fact about your life off the pitch?

Sonja Bostic: Well, I actually have a pet parrot named Rio. He's always chirping away in the background when I'm at home and he definitely keeps things interesting.

Reporter: That's certainly a unique detail. Thank you Sonja for taking the time to speak with us and best of luck with your future in football.